I will never view your move as a transaction. We’re a team, and while I take the big decisions very seriously, I believe the process should be fun and exciting.

Real Estate Expert | Santa Clarita | Ventura


hi, im Tricia

My first experiences buying and selling left me feeling small and insignificant. As a Realtor, each and every one of my clients doesn’t just feel that they matter - they know.

I serve the Santa Clarita and Ventura communities, providing long-term advice and personalized guidance. Whether you are buying your dream home, downsizing, or searching for an investment or legacy property, it is my honor to help you navigate your next move.

home stories

Put your Trust in Me and find your perfect home.

‘Tricia was never satisfied with mediocre and encouraged us every step of the way to have patience. she was confident the right house was waiting. And it was.’

real estate expert

It is my job to empower you to get exactly what you want, with no regrets.